
Jason Upton &Pastor David's Surprise Birthday!!



July 16rd – 18th, 2021 

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Worship Nights!!!  Featuring Jason Upton & Kim Abbott

We are so excited to announce that Kim Abbott and Clay Webb will be here July 16, 2021 at 7:00pm for a Special Worship Night! This night kicks off a special weekend of celebration and worship! Come join us for this amazing encounter.


Pastor David turns 48 on July 19th!  Pastor Tracy has, as a surprise, invited Jason Upton to come and minister to us on July 17th and July 18th!  We are so excited to welcome this dynamic minister and worship leader to come and share his anointing with us to surprise Pastor David with his favorite worship leader, minister, and friend (ok maybe not his “favorite” friend, but friend just the same!)  

Pastors David and Tracy will be speaking on Saturday July 17th at 2:30pm and Jason Upton will worship with us at 7pm.  On Sunday Jason will be worshipping and speaking at 10am and at 2:30pm RHLC Worship Team will lead and Jason will speak.  We will be having Pastor David’s 47th Birthday Party on Sunday at 6pm.  We want everyone to come out and celebrate with us for this amazing event! 

Conference Schedule


Click on each day to expand details. 

Day 1 - 07/16/2021

6:00pm – Registration Opens & Coffee Available

7:00pm – Session 1 –  Kim Abbott & Clay Webb

Day 2 - 07/17/2021

2:30pm with Kim Abbott and Clay Webb

4:30-5pm Evangelism outing Saturday

7:00pm with Jason Upton Worship and Kim Abbott speaking 

Day 3 - 07/18/2021

10:00am Jason Upton Worship and Speaking

2:30pm Kim Abbott and Clay Webb Worship with Jason Upton speaking

6:00pm Surprise Birthday Party for Pastor David



Meet Our Guest Speakers