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Sunday Services: 10:00 am & 2:30 pm

AAHOP (Anne Arundel House of Prayer)

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

The prayer house is a time to be in the presences of the Lord. To give unto God through worship and communication, and if your in need of prayer there are people there to pray with you. At times the spirit moves through peace or Warfare birthing powerful prophecy. If you’re interested in growing in your prayer life this is the place to be. 

The Gathering

Every Tuesday Night at 7:00 pm

Join us for this powerful time of fellowship and teaching.
 You can watch live on Web Church or you can join us in person at RHLC. 

Starting in August masks will be required at this service (optional for when you’re sitting still, when you get up masks are required) and social distancing guidelines will be followed. This will only be required for Tuesday night services.

Food Ministry

If you are in need of food please contact Michael, Kimberly, or Joe. We will be giving food out on a daily basis.

If you any questions or would like to serve in this ministry please contact:
Contact Michael (443) 694-8623
Contact Kimberly (667) 209-8350 
Contact Joe Cool (443) 257-5038 

Building Champions Men's Group

Calling all MEN!!! Come build the Champion inside of you every 3rd Thursday of the month with us as we come together to bond as only men can do! Snacks and beverages, Fellowship, and the Word!

Arise Women of Destiny

We are now meeting on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month @7pm in the Fellowship hall. We will start every night with coffee, cookies and ice breaker games!!! Come fellowship with your sisters in the Lord as you learn about those who paved the way before you! Some other topics will be on identity and healing the wounded soul. 

Youth Night

Redemption House Life Center is excited to announce that their Youth Group is up and running! Pastor Tracy has stepped into the role of Youth Pastor and can’t wait to lead the next generation into power and glory! Meets the 2nd & 4th Thursdays of each month @ 6:30 pm.

Love After Marriage

4th Saturday of every month. Occasionally, if the church is needed for a conference, we will change it to the 3rd Saturday of the month. Please follow the dates above.
502 Victory Way, Pasadena, MD
Bring a covered dish to share as we fellowship before the marriage class.

Child Care will be provided

Deliverance Training

We have deliverance training the 3rd Sunday of every month following the 10 am service. See John Sweetland for more information.

Prophetic Sunday

4th Sunday of every month our prophetic team ministers to the congregation through prophecy and love.

Kingdom Entrepreneur Group

Abundance in a Season of Famine
Learning how to have a KINGDOM mindset in the business world.
This is a supernatural online virtual training on how we can maximize what other people are hiding from. It’s time to go after the things of God!
Be a Joseph to those in your sphere of influence and let God promote you. It is God who brings promotion.
This event will be held via Zoom call.

Young Adults Group

For information on meeting time for our young adults group contact Jonah at (443) 218-6841

Sons and Daughters Class
August 21, 2021
10:00am to 1:00pm
August 28, 2021
10:00am to 3:00pm
Register Here:
We want to welcome everyone who would like to come. “Yay, Yay, Yay” This class will offer several spiritual topics and will teach you who you are and what your calling is.
We will learn who we are together and what we do together for the Kingdom. We have added two more topics to the class, Salvation and Deliverance. There will also be different spiritual classes that we pray will benefit you. We have a Myers Briggs Personality Test, a 5 Fold Ministry Test, Love Language Test, and will help you develop a Personal Mission Statement. We pray that you will be able to come and join us. We look forward to seeing you. We will all have a full day in HIM.
This class is designed for our sons and daughters to become valuable members of the Redemption House Life Center family. You are still welcome to come if you would like, it is a great learning tool.
Childcare will be provided for children 5 and under.

Sons and Daughters Class
November 27, 2021
10:00am to 1:00pm
December 4, 2021
10:00am to 3:00pm
Register Here:
We want to welcome everyone who would like to come. “Yay, Yay, Yay” This class will offer several spiritual topics and will teach you who you are and what your calling is.
We will learn who we are together and what we do together for the Kingdom. We have added two more topics to the class, Salvation and Deliverance. There will also be different spiritual classes that we pray will benefit you. We have a Myers Briggs Personality Test, a 5 Fold Ministry Test, Love Language Test, and will help you develop a Personal Mission Statement. We pray that you will be able to come and join us. We look forward to seeing you. We will all have a full day in HIM.
This class is designed for our sons and daughters to become valuable members of the Redemption House Life Center family. You are still welcome to come if you would like, it is a great learning tool.
Childcare will be provided for children 5 and under.