
Tuesday Prophetic Worship


Tuesdays 7:00pm

Celebrate Recovery @ RHLC

Tuesdays 6:30pm Fellowship 7:00pm Session

This is what Newcomers hear their first time they attend: “If this is your first time to Celebrate Recovery, welcome to our forever family. It’s not so important why you’re here. What is important is that you’re here. Keep coming back!”

Mac and I have a 10-year-old grandson who is learning how to play the stand up bass. We were at his first concert. The conductor teaches at 3 schools. This concert was the first time for all 3 schools. 115 children were going to perform together. These students had never even seen each other before this concert.

It was amazing hearing students from different backgrounds with different personalities, who had never played together before, come together and make music.

The conductor said the common goal he first teaches them to focus on is to start together, stay together and finish together. That’s how they came to make beautiful music together!

Just like in learning an instrument and playing with others, this can work in our lives too!

Start together.
Are you struggling with a hurt, hang-up or habit? Are you tired of trying to fight your battles alone? If you want to experience victory in your life and witness others doing the same, seize the opportunity to start attending a Celebrate Recovery.

Stay together.
Just because you start attending a Celebrate Recovery, usually things don’t get better immediately. It’s a process. You’re going to have challenges along the way. The enemy will try to distract you and tempt you to give up. Do not listen to his lies. Trust the process and the people God will bring along your recovery journey in Celebrate Recovery.

Finish together.
By working hard and staying the course, we find healing while becoming a part of bringing beauty, God’s glory, to others. We get give out the hope of Jesus Christ that we have found.

I love thinking of how people from all over the planet come together in Celebrate Recovery with different backgrounds, different skin colors, different accents all joining together to make a difference in this world.

Then when Jesus returns, we will hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter in the Kingdom of Heaven. Let’s celebrate together!”

That’s what we do in Celebrate Recovery Forever Family: Start together. Stay together. Finish together.
