
Day 1

August 22, 2023

Day 1: Gospel of John Chapter 1

Congratulations! You are only 21 days away from something that will change your life. Researchers say that in order to make an activity a habit you must do it for at least 21 days. The habit we’re interested in is Bible reading. So, for the next 21 days you’ll go through the 21 chapters of the Book of John. Did you notice the many different names or titles for Jesus in this chapter alone? He is called the “Word” in verse 1. In verse 17 He is called “Jesus” (which means “God saves”) and “Christ” (which is the Greek word for Messiah or “anointed one”). John the Baptist twice presents Him as “the Lamb of God” and also “the Son of God.” The first disciples refer to Jesus as “Rabbi” (teacher) while Nathanael recognized Him as “the King of Israel.” Finally, in the last verse, Jesus calls Himself the “Son of Man.” What’s in a name? Sometimes quite a bit. In these different names for Jesus we see Him as a Lamb (What were lambs used for in Jewish tradition?) and a King. We also see Him as the Son of God and the Son of Man (“the Word became flesh”). He is our teacher, and He is our Savior. Why not start a list of the names and descriptive words used for Jesus that you find in this chapter of John? We’ve given you some names here, but there are more you can add.