Day 12

September 2, 2023

Day 12: Gospel of John Chapter 12

The story of Lazarus is a familiar one for many people. And in yesterday’s reading, we looked at it again. We saw how he was sick, how his sisters sent for Jesus, how Jesus delayed and arrived four days after his death and how Jesus then raised Lazarus from the dead. But the story of Lazarus doesn’t end there. Probably more than any miracle before this, the raising of Lazarus convinced people that Jesus was the promised Messiah. (See 12:9.) In fact, so many people were believing in Jesus because of this miracle that the chief priests plotted to kill Lazarus “because on account of him many of the Jews were going away and believing in Jesus” (v. 11, ESV). Like Lazarus, we who have believed in the name of Jesus have been raised into a new life. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17, NIV.) And just like Lazarus, we have the incredible opportunity to bring glory to God. Will you tell others your story?