Day 10

September 30, 2022

Do you find it difficult to focus and spend time alone with the Father?  Is there so much going on around you that you struggle to get into the word?

The next morning, Jesus got up long before daylight, left the house while it was dark, and made his way to a secluded place to give himself to prayer.
Mark 1:35 TPT

Father God, we desire to be alone with You and fight through every distraction to meet You at our secret and safe place.  Papa, stir up in us the longing to be secluded in You and to kindle the discipline like Jesus had for You.  Show us our patterns that are keeping us away from being fully enveloped in You.  In Jesus name.

September 19, 2022 –

RHLC Family, are – you – ready???

Join us tomorrow September 20, 2022 as we consecrate ourselves with a 40 day fast, ending October 29, 2022 during our Holy Convocation Ceremony.  Please prepare your hearts and cupboards as we set aside this time of reset and draw closer to the Lord through fasting, prayer, giving, and coming together in one place, one accord.

Please feel free to go through the resources that we have made available to help assist you on this journey.
Here is a link to those resources:
May the grace of our Lord Jesus keep you in this time.
RHLC Admin Team