We are Transformed by Beholding HIS Glory and we begin to shine in this world as the light of JESUS in the Anointing . So, Thank you for joining us and welcome to Redemption House Life Center’s live broadcast. We are a presence driven church going after the Father’s heart. As you join our virtual worship and message today, we pray that you encounter God’s presence.

Join us September 10-12, 2021 for this incredible healing and restoration experience for your Divine Intelligence. Step out of where you and into a peace know that you have a clear understanding of who GOD is and what HE can do!
Brian Orm was heavily recommended by Bill Vanderbush as a “young Bill Johnson” and had both Daniel Newton’s new wife and Jamie Galloway’s new wife in his congregation. Pastor David is very excited to host Brian Orm and Drew Neal to come and pour out Divine Intelligence.
Friday, Sept 10
Session 1: The Mind Of Christ 7 PM
Saturday, Sept 11, 2021
10:00 AM Session 2:
Emotional Intelligence (Reason you behave)
2:30 PM
Session 3: Financial Intelligence
(Reason you produce)
7:00 PM
Session 4: Meta Intelligence (Reason you exist)
Sunday, Sept. 12
10:00 AM
Session 5: Cultural Intelligence (Reason you build)
Session 6: Q&A Panel / Summary / Impartation
2:30 PM
6:30 PM
RHSS Encounter Night
(everyone is welcome to attend)
There are too many Christians talking about God but not thinking LIKE God. They stay satisfied talking about human things from a human perspective. This isolated vantage point is driven by a limited orphan mentality. From here, we are not able to solve the problems around us using the thinking that got us there in the first place.
We need to learn HOW to think with God by restoring permission to love God with our Mind.
This is Divine Intelligence.
We are seated in heavenly places and thus, our thinking can rise to our cosmic position in Christ – and we get to think with God. The renewed mind experience is a divine invitation of accessing the brilliance of heaven. In Christ, we have access to the deepest realm of thought that leads to ultimate wisdom and understanding from our union.
Thinking with God is not about securing salvation, it’s about increasing awareness that leads to manifesting these thought-realities now. Wisdom and understanding are necessary to confront the most complex and intimidating scenarios in our world.
Reformation is here. If we’re going to reform the systems of the world, we need to learn how to think with God so that the new reforms introduced into society look more like heaven and less like party, denomination, or status.
So how do you think with God to access wisdom and understanding? What does God think about when he thinks about human intelligence? There are commonly 9 major realms of human intelligence and God has a divine perspective on each of them


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David and Tracy Whittington
Church Location:
502 Victory Way
Pasadena, MD 21122
Email: info@rhlc.us

Music: We do not own the rights to this music
