#LikeAndShare www.RHLC.US 🔥Freedom Fest 2022 is coming to Redemption House Life Center with special guests Dan Mohler and Charlie Shamp. July 7th thru July 10th, 2022! Come one, come all! Don’t miss out on our annual 4th of July festivities with live music, delicious food, and life changing words from GOD’s heart to yours! The HOLY SPIRIT is the Guest of Honor. We are so Happy to have Dan Mohler and Charlie Shamp with us also. There is always so much new truth that Dan delivers. During this celebration, we will also perform baptisms. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Thursday 7/7/22
7:00pm Apostle David Whittington
Friday 7/8/22
2:30pm Charlie Shamp
7:00pm Dan Mohler
Saturday 7/9/22
10:00am Dan Mohler
12:30pm to 5:30pm Cookout
3:00pm Baptisms
7:00pm Charlie Shamp
Sunday 7/10/22
10:00am Charlie Shamp
2:30pm Dan Mohler
6:30pm Dan Mohler
Freedom League Children’s Camp Available during Freedom Fest from ages 0-12. July 7,8, & 9 @ 7pm-10pm. All sessions will have childrens worship, teaching, activities, and snacks.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday @ 7 pm.
All Teaching will be by Katty Souza – Soul decrees for Kids. Proverbs 22:6-A time of training your child up in the way they should go and they will not depart.
3 John 1:4- I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.
Don’t hesitate to bring a friend! We love to worship. We are planning on setting up an overflow area outside. We will have nursery available during all 7:00pm services and Saturday at 10:00am.
The cookout will be held outside Saturday from 12:30 to 5:30pm with the food, games and fun under the tent!). There is a $10 fee person for this entire event. This fee covers all the church services, the Cookout, etc. If you need assistance covering the cost of this event for you and/or your family please email admin@rhlc.us and we will do our best to work with you!
This is a Family Celebration Gathering
On July 9th there will be spiritual Food at 10am and then some activities, including a moon bounce with a water slide and much more for the children for all ages. Cookout (bring your favorite side dish please) Baptism from 3-5pm Bring a change of clothes, 2 towels. For men and women, we ask not to wear any white tops or shorts. Remember, ladies, that if you are wearing any kind of a t-shirt to please wear a tank top underneath. Volleyball game plus Basketball game and more
The cookout will be held outside Saturday from 12:30 to 5:30 pm with the food, games and fun under the tent!.
We pray you can come and be blessed, Join us for a spiritual spectacular day!!!!!

Come encounter Jehovah Rapha, the God that heals and delivers! Join us for this amazing time of miracles, signs and wonders taking place at RHLC, come receive your miracle! If you’re hungry to see healings take place, then please be in prayer, fasting, and spreading the word of this service to anyone who may have a healing need!

We believe with a firm conviction that we are in a season of the greatest outpouring of God’s Spirit in the earth. As believers, we are responsible for positioning our lives properly to receive and be faithful with what God desires to release into our hands. The Outpouring Conference is designed as a strategic gathering of believers to equip God’s people to steward the outpouring that is taking place. We believe God will pour out His Spirit during our time together through His presence, the miraculous, and the proclamation of His word. Join other believers and us for this strategic gathering to receive equipping, impartation, and transformation for the end-time harvest.

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Website: https://www.rhlc.us
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Check out this week’s live events:

Ongoing Events 2.0

Follow us on social media:
(20+) Redemption House Life Center | Facebook
David and Tracy Whittington
Church Location:
502 Victory Way
Pasadena, MD 21122
Email: info@rhlc.us

**Music: We do not own the rights to this music**
