We are so excited to have Stacey Campbell on assignment in the D.C. Region for the “Shape the Nations” event from April 25th-27th and as a special guest speaker at Redemption House Life Center (RHLC) in Pasadena, MD. Are you ready to hear the voice of the LORD? FATHER GOD is teaching us as a generation how to hear HIS voice, speak the language of love, and think differently.

Stacey Campbell is a prophetic voice to this generation and has a passion to teach believers to know how to hear the voice of God through proper teaching and strong values. She has teamed up with such anointed and strong women of this time and season as Heidi Baker and Dr. Cindy Jacobs.

Click the link for more information regarding Shape the Nation. https://www.alabasterhouse.org/alabaster-house-conference
Join us Sunday April 24, 2022 at 10:00am and 2:30pm for an incredible time in the prophetic with Special Guest Stacey Campbell!

Holy Spirit gonna be there….will you? You will never be the same again.
Thank you for joining Redemption House Life Center!!
Greetings online!
We are a presence driven ministry going after the FATHER’s Heart!

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Website: https://www.rhlc.us
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Check out this week’s live events:

Ongoing Events 2.0

Follow us on social media:
(20+) Redemption House Life Center | Facebook
David and Tracy Whittington
Church Location:
502 Victory Way
Pasadena, MD 21122
Email: info@rhlc.us

**Music: We do not own the rights to this music**
