And are excited to chat online live
Web Church is officially here and will soon be embedded into the web portal to be even easier to collaborate and connect.
Our main goal is connecting the believers and ministering, sharing, and collaborating online what the LORD is doing.
So follow direction below to get the most out of the experience. If your watching on a TV log in with your phone for comments.
It is awesome that our community is going to be available and impacting the world!

David and Tracy

Directions for setting up Web church:
1. Goto: https://RHLC.tv
2. Attend services and create fun, informational, and thought provoking comments to keep us flowing together as an online community.

Giving has been made simpler and more secure for online presence. We are greateful for you and appreciate your support giving online in faith believing God’s Word regarding tithes, offerings, and any other financial donations to the ministry.
1. Goto https://www.rhlc.us/give/
2. Choose an Option to lead you to a secure sight for Breeze text to give, Online giving, PayPal, or Mail
3. Follow instructions of your choice. Note:Text to give is a 1 time setup.
4. Thank GOD for the blessing of giving.

If you are unable to view the Youtube channel for any reason, then the option for Facebook Live is available. Not:
It is not high definition like YouTube

*Facebook Live: go to https://www.facebook.com/RedemptionHouse/

1. Go to the “Redemption House Life Center” live feed
2. Click “Share” button.
3. Share on your page for others and invite people you love
