We believe with a firm conviction that we are in a season of the greatest outpouring of God’s Spirit in the earth. As believers, we are responsible for positioning our lives properly to receive and be faithful with what God desires to release into our hands. We believe God will pour out His Spirit during our time together through His presence, the miraculous, and the proclamation of His word. Join other believers and us for this strategic gathering to receive equipping, impartation, and transformation for the
end-time harvest.

– Connect with us –
Website: https://www.rhlc.us
Email: admin@rhlc.us
Facebook: Redemption House Life Center
Instagram: RHLCministries
Twitter: @RedemptionHouse

– Weekly events –

Ongoing Events 2.0

– Address –
502 Victory Way, Pasadena MD, 21122

#rhlc2023 #worship #worshipencounter #RHLC2023

**Music: We do not own the rights to this music & Videos**
CCLI Livestream Streaming Licence:21743055
