#sharethis #noflesh #hiphop The Commission is back with NO FLESH 2.
Join us again at Redemption House Life Center. Encounter Holy Spirit Friday & Saturday (April 22nd and 23rd) @ 6pm. On top of amazing speakers we also have men and women break out sessions on Saturday from 2-4pm. Aaron and Jade Livers are hosting this awesome event at Redemption House Life Center! Don’t miss out on this incredible day of worship and praise with Hip Hop!

Speakers include: Brandon Gatson/Matt Cruz/Jemane Cheatham/Marcus Rogers/Recardo Lee/Jade Livers/David and Tracey Whittington. This will be a moment you won’t want to miss with Dad.

Also, did we mention, all events are FREE. Love offerings are accepted for the continuous building of the Kingdom.

For more information and to register go to www.thecommission2818.com.

Holy Spirit gonna be there….will you? You will never be the same again.
Thank you for joining Redemption House Life Center!!
Greetings online!
We are a presence driven ministry going after the FATHER’s Heart!

Connect with us:
Website: https://www.rhlc.us
Subscribe to our channel so that you will be notified whenever we broadcast live
Check out this week’s live events:

Ongoing Events 2.0

Follow us on social media:
(20+) Redemption House Life Center | Facebook
David and Tracy Whittington
Church Location:
502 Victory Way
Pasadena, MD 21122
Email: info@rhlc.us

**Music: We do not own the rights to this music**
